Process-safe induction pumps for selective mini wave soldering

The induction pump manufactured by EUTECT itself, which uses an electromagnetic drive to turn the solder into a mini shaft, is installed transversely and is therefore particularly low-maintenance.


The EUTECT induction pump works without moving parts in the solder and is particularly robust thanks to its design.

We install the induction pump, which we manufacture ourselves, horizontally in our soldering modules.
As a result, significantly less burn-off and dirt is deposited at the quenching points in the induction pump.
Thanks to the electromagnetic drive, the solder is conveyed to the solder nozzle completely free of mechanical parts in the solder.
This makes our induction pump particularly low-maintenance and easy to service.
The EUTECT induction pump also works reliably in the high temperature range up to 475°C.

Product highlights

  • 80% fewer spare parts required
  • 50% less service and maintenance costs
  • High-temperature soldering up to 475°C soldering temperature
  • Minimal installation space
  • Long service life
  • Up to 8 mm/sec soldering speed
  • No rotating parts in the plumb bob