Solution competence

Why do we install robots overhead in our process cells?

When we use 6-axis robots from our suppliers Stäubli and Mitsubishi, we usually install them overhead in our process cells. The reason for this is simple: in order to integrate as many processes as possible in a small space in the cell, we have to utilise the space for handling the assembly or the workpiece carrier as optimally as possible.

Because machine space is hard cash. That's why we install the robots overhead, as the cell ceiling offers plenty of free space for this. The flexibility of the robots means they can work ideally in this position and optimally reach all process steps and feed kinematics.

We therefore make optimum use of the available space in the process cells for our customers, so that they receive a compact system with a high level of functionality.

Incidentally, this also applies to the system's control cabinet. This is also integrated into the machine in such a way that it does not stand in the way of perfect utilisation of the process area.

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Why do we install robots overhead in our process cells? →
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