Our process technology is characterised by customised, efficient concepts made up of tried-and-tested modules.
We offer customised automation solutions that are precisely tailored to customer requirements.
Our service, maintenance and training services are customised to your individual needs.
The EUTECT Laser Knife is one of the most resource-efficient soldering processes and offers high quality results with the fastest process times and reproducibility when soldering pins, strands, switching lugs and other components.
The Laser Knife enables non-contact temperature application via a laser beam. This leads to a massive optimisation of cycle times compared to thermode soldering, with a simultaneous reduction in consumables as well as service and maintenance costs. The Laser Knife can be used independently and is extremely fast with high process reliability.
The laser knife consists of one and/or more path and force-monitored hold-down devices and specific laser optics. The components to be soldered are brought together in a defined manner using the knife. The temperature is therefore applied contact-free via the laser beam. The process module is characterised by minimal service and maintenance requirements as well as minimal spare and wear part requirements.
The Laser Knife can be extended with galvo optics and X-fold knives for even more dynamic and cycle time-optimised soldering processes. The temperature-controlled laser is equipped with an integrated pyrometer and a camera and guarantees the user maximum process stability, quality and traceability.
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