The Laser Knife developed by Eutect enables optimum results when soldering flex foils, cable strands, ribbon cables and battery pins. The soldering process using the Laser Knife is characterised by high quality results and high reproducibility, combined with high energy efficiency and process speed. Particularly in high-volume production, such as at Zollner Elektronik AG, the Laser Knife enables cycle time-optimised soldering for various end products.
"The Laser Knife provides our customers with another controlled and adaptive soldering process, including process data acquisition," explains Matthias Fehrenbach, Managing Director of Eutect GmbH. The Laser Knife consists of a displacement and force-controlled hold-down device that brings the two surfaces to be soldered together in a defined manner and a laser that enables the temperature to be applied without contact. The temperature-controlled laser is equipped with an integrated pyrometer and a camera and guarantees the user maximum process stability, quality and traceability. "The Laser Knife makes sense for applications where a fast, cycle time-optimised, reproducible, energy-efficient soldering process is required for SMD contacts, flex foils, cable strands and ribbon cables, for example, or where complex or very small geometries need to be soldered," says Fehrenbach. Depending on the product and application, extremely short cycle times of up to ≥0.5 seconds per solder joint are possible.
"The laser has enabled us to massively speed up the soldering process without losing reproducibility and result quality. Depending on the component, the Laser Knife is 10 times faster than the previous thermal mode. We have also achieved a reduction in energy consumption of 70 %," states Fehrenbach. Furthermore, no product-specific thermode moulds or Kapton bands are required. There is also no need to convert the process head or production system due to a change in production. The Laser Knife can be converted for new or additional products with little effort, allowing the customer to maximise the benefits of the system. "In addition, the Thermode has limits in terms of geometry size due to the technical possibilities. This limitation no longer plays a role when using the Laser Knife," emphasises Fehrenbach. The non-contact soldering of the surfaces and the elimination of thermode wear also reduces the maintenance and service costs for the entire module.
Another important aspect is the reduction in consumable requirements through the use of the Laser Knife. The soldering process requires a minimum amount of solder and flux, as solder and flux deposits are provided by the previous reflow soldering process. Additional consumables such as flux, solder, nitrogen, etc. are not required. "This also means that there are no downtimes during which consumables have to be refilled or replenished for other soldering processes," emphasises Fehrenbach. Furthermore, all process data is recorded and stored during the soldering process via the Eutect control technology. This enables 100 % tracking. "This enables us to maximise quality based on real process data," Fehrenbach continues.
Zollner Elektronik AG was convinced by this process concept right from the start and has been successfully using the Laser Knife. "We at Zollner Elektronik AG are very open to the use of newly developed processes. That's why we took a very close look at this new, innovative soldering process when Eutect GmbH first presented the Laser Knife concept to us. For us, the focus was on the energy and resource-efficient, high-quality soldering process, which not only optimises cycle times but also reduces overall process costs," explains Tobias Pongratz, Head of Production Technology (MBPTF) Business Division Mechanics at Zollner Elektronik AG. "Every innovation also needs an innovation promoter to ensure that it reaches the market. In Zollner Elektronik AG, we have found an ideal partner to support us in the consistent further development of the Laser Knife process," continues Fehrenbach.