Solution competence

Can cobots be used for selective soldering?

In principle, this question can be answered with YES, regardless of which cobot is involved. Then comes the big BUT and this is due to the actual character and the possible location or task of the cobot.

Cobots work hand in hand with humans. Conventional robotic systems are generally more powerful, but the risk of injury for humans would be considerable if they were to work together with such a system without protection. The "intelligence" of the cobot reduces this risk in human-machine interaction to zero. This means that the cobot's movements and sequences pose no danger to operators and employees during selective soldering.

The BUT mentioned above is due to the soldering process. As hot tools or lasers and liquid solder are used in every soldering process, which can cause considerable injury to people, the cobot can only be used for the actual soldering process in a protected room. These enclosures protect the employee from unprotected access to hot work areas.

Cobots can therefore only be used in the upstream process steps, e.g. when loading and unloading a workpiece carrier in a process cell. Here, the cobot can interact safely with the employee. The actual soldering process is then carried out in the protected process cell.

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